Erreur SQL !
SELECT distinct i.i_host, i.i_path FROM image i LEFT OUTER JOIN image_category_ref imc ON imc.ic_image = i.i_id AND = imc.ic_category WHERE i.i_type = 1 AND ( (i.i_show =1 and (ic_best = 0 or ic_best is null)) OR ic_best = 1 ) AND i.i_movie = 53893 ORDER BY i_cover DESC ,coalesce(imc.ic_best,0) DESC , i_priority , i_num ASC limit 0, 10
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '= imc.ic_category WHERE i.i_type = 1 AND ( (i.i_show =1 and (ic_best =...' at line 9